Parabolic Freak XL 2.0 tip for GOG XL barrel kit RAW UNANODIZED


4 in stock

This is the Parabolic tip for the freak XL kit. Using the updated Nautilus porting from the Phi2.5 barrel kit paired with a .695 inner diameter and an overall length of 14 inches to give you the best performance out of the Freak XL barrel kit!

RAW AND UNANODIZED please do not use until you have this anodized and sealed.

4 in stock



This freak XL tip is raw and unanodized. Please do not use until you have anodized and sealed it to form the hard wear resistant outer layer.

Additional information

Weight 4.8 oz
Dimensions 16 × 1.7 × 1.7 in


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